Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Code of Conduct for Foreign Affairs

Max Publius at Brave News World has proposed a code of conduct for the leaders of the West. It includes seventeen points that range over all aspects of foreign policy:

Politician’s Code of Conduct for Foreign Affairs

Democratically elected politicians in the West have strayed far from their mission to protect citizens of their country. With few constraints, they have abused their positions of trust, and have chosen to use our tax revenue to undermine, overpopulate, and dissolve our social fabric. The business of running the state efficiently is apparently not as glamorous as hobnobbing with terrorists or selling citizenships to people who harm us.

That is why I believe we need a brake on politician’s slide into treason. I propose the following code of conduct.

Here are excerpts from his points:
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I. Foreign aid shall not be given to nations that inarguably threaten your nation by word or deed or that discriminate against or persecute any of its own peoples or those of any nonthreatening nation.
II. Never use immigration politically to import people who vote for you, your party or your politics, nor who hold religious or cultural values inimical to universal human rights.
III. Never allow irrational and destructive beliefs, or political corruption, or shortsighted agreements with other nations, hostile or friendly, usurp your nation’s goals for its general, sustainable prosperity and universal human rights.
VII. Never legislate to resettle immigrants in mass as unintegrated foreign communities into your nation, as it is an act of autogenocide, worsened further if said communities are actively hostile to universal human rights. Only individuals and nuclear families that pledge to respect universal human rights are permitted to immigrate, with the goal that they strengthen your nation.
VIII. Always use accurate facts and figures whenever addressing a constituency, and avoid substanceless rhetoric, demagoguery or emotionalism.
XI. National borders are to be strengthened until the possibility of them being breached illegally is minimized and rare.
XII. Illegal immigration disrupts economic and environmental planning, community well being, and national as well as local security, therefore, with rare exception, repatriation of unauthorized immigrants shall be carried out immediately upon positive identification, and foreign nations that are violating or neglecting the rights of their citizens or interfering in your nation’s immigration security, shall be vigorously challenged.

Max wants comments on his ideas, so visit his post to read the rest of the seventeen points and add your opinion.


heroyalwhyness said...

RE: VII. Never legislate to resettle immigrants in mass as unintegrated foreign communities into your nation, as it is an act of autogenocide, worsened further if said communities are actively hostile to universal human rights. Only individuals and nuclear families that pledge to respect universal human rights are permitted to immigrate, with the goal that they strengthen your nation.

Citizenship is automatically withrawn if pledge to respect human rights is broken. One strike and you're out policy (violator and entire family automatically deported too). When the entire family's lively hood is on the line, it's more likely to be enforced at home.

laine said...

This is long overdue, for citizens to rein in their renegade leaders instead of tolerating constant lectures and leftist propaganda from mediocre minds.

We need to find and elect leaders in the West who are not intent on making over their entire electorate in their own foolish image but serving them.

We also need leaders who actually understand the recipe that has made all Western countries a success and stop the constant hubristic experimentation seeking a personal legacy with poisonous inventions such as multiculturalism or rewarmed marxism/socialism with its 100% failure rate.

What kind of fools turn away from proven success and embrace failure? And what kind of fools keep electing the first fools instead of turfing them over and over until they get a better quality politician?

Would you keep going to a doctor who makes you sicker?

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