Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Westergaard Draws Wilders

Geert Wilders by Kurt Westergaard

Do you think I’ll get sued for posting this?

It’s from SpitsNieuws. Thanks to both LN and VH for the tip.

[post ends here]


Steen said...

Actually, its a very intriging cartoon, it hold questionmarks and screts. Westegaard himself says in JP;

Kurt Westergaard:”Jeg har ikke selv set Wilders film, så jeg kan hverken tale for eller imod den. Tegningen skal opfattes som en støtte til Wilders ret til at få sine synspunkter frem,” siger Kurt Westergaard.

Félicie said...

Is this what it means?

"Kurt Westergaard: 'I have not seen Wilder's film myself, so I can neither speak for nor against it. The drawing should be interpreted as my support of Wilder's right to express his opinions,' says Westergaard."

Paul said...

This is serious stuff. We make cartoons and write comments in blogs. The guys who take a stand on the line are the real men. They put their money where their mouth is.

Without guys like Wilders we'd all be living under a tub... cowering in fear. Guys like these deserve our -real- support.

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