Sunday, February 03, 2008

Toxic Political Correctness

In two stories from the UK today we see the toxicity of extremist P.C. behavior carried to its bizarre limits . By coincidence, they both involve hospital behavior…umm, inhospitable behavior:

According to The Manchester Evening News:

A hospital porter has been sacked after a row over a crucifix being covered up in a prayer room used by Muslims.

Joseph Protano, 54, was suspended four days after the incident last month at a children’s hospital - and has since been dismissed.

It seems that this miscreant, who was interrogated by the police for four hours on suspicion of the crime of “religiously aggravated assault” [I kid you not] had the audacity to request that the Christian icons in an interfaith chapel be uncovered while he prayed.

There were three Muslims in the chapel at the time - one doctor and two patients - and an argument ensued when they refused to allow him to restore the crucifix and the picture of the Virgin Mary to their accustomed places.

The outcome of the argument - umm, “assault” - was that the porter, Mr. Protano, a Roman Catholic, was dismissed for gross misconduct, and will have to go on welfare benefits. Up until now he had worked for two years at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Pendlebury.

His case has not been dismissed. He has to wait to see if the police have any follow up charges:

He said he was unable to comment on his sacking as the police probe and his plans to appeal were ongoing.

But a friend said: “He was very shocked at the decision. He thinks he has been treated terribly.


“They are saying he should not have gone into the prayer room and it is alleged he used racist language, which he totally refutes.

The case has angered many hospital staff, who think he has been treated unfairly.

Police said a file had been passed to the Crown Prosecution Service for a decision over any further action.

So that’s where the time, money, and productivity of Britain’s public servants go: harassing whomever the Muslims complain about. And the Manchester Children’s Hospital? They’re just trying to avoid a costly lawsuit.

Seems to me that Britons could get together and begin to collect monies to protect their citizens from terrorist libel charges. No one person would have to donate much money, and surely there are barristers willing to serve their countrymen for reduced fees…or even pro bono.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

In another hospital situation, it is the Muslim women who are rebelling, though it is interesting to note that none of them has been sacked:
- - - - - - - - -
Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

Universities and NHS trusts fear many more will refuse to co-operate with new Department of Health guidance, introduced this month, which stipulates that all doctors must be “bare below the elbow”.

The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile, which have killed hundreds.

Minutes of a clinical academics’ meeting at Liverpool University revealed that female Muslim students at Alder Hey children’s hospital had objected to rolling up their sleeves to wear gowns.

Similar concerns have been raised at Leicester University. Minutes from a medical school committee said that “a number of Muslim females had difficulty in complying with the procedures to roll up sleeves to the elbow for appropriate handwashing”.

Sheffield University also reported a case of a Muslim medic who refused to “scrub” as this left her forearms exposed.

Documents from Birmingham University reveal that some students would prefer to quit the course rather than expose their arms, and warn that it could leave trusts open to legal action.

Hygiene experts said last night that no exceptions should be made on religious grounds.

Dr Mark Enright, professor of microbiology at Imperial College London, said: “To wash your hands properly, and reduce the risks of MRSA and C.difficile, you have to be able to wash the whole area around the wrist.

Not if you’re a Muslim woman, you don’t. What if someone glimpsed your arm? Heaven forefend!

In this case, you don’t have to wash and if anyone tries to make you, or discharges you, then you can sue the offending hospital. What are a few lives lost in comparison to breaking one of Allah’s many rules?

Besides, the women can always go to the funerals of the diseased deceased and offer up a few prayers…well, they can if their victims are Muslims, that is. Infidels don’t need any prayers since they’re damned anyway.

Perhaps Mr. Protano can join Lionheart in requesting asylum. It is certainly fitting and just. America has been taking Her Majesty’s religious rejects since the very beginning of our founding. These men will simply be following in the footsteps of millions before them.

Hat tips: HTP and TB


Henrik R Clausen said...

"A hospital porter has been sacked after a row over a crucifix being covered up in a prayer room used by Muslims."

What rubbish. Islam respects Christianity. Or, at least it claims to do so. Apparently, Muslims seem to lie on this subject. Surprising?

Frank said...

What is far more disturbing is the comments. A few blaming the source, but the majority either blaming "religion" in general, or the man himself. These people are dangling over the abyss and so few have even opened their eyes.

Homophobic Horse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Homophobic Horse said...

Talking of extremist political correctness, here's a copy of a letter I sent to my local newspaper:

The article states: "The reality is about a quarter of the incidents we deal with are related to Eastern Europeans, the majority relate to British people"

Poles officially account for 1.24% (750,000) of the population of Britain, yet seem to represent "only" 25% of fish theft in [My Home Town].

It is unclear how serious are the incidents that involve British people. Could it range from simply not paying for a licence? Or are prolific British gangsters also threatening to stab Environment Officers? It is unclear. Additionally Alan William's states in the article: "I refuse to patrol [Stamp End] - I'm too scared." If Stamp End is not being patrolled the above stated figures are of dubious accuracy.

Paradoxically the article informs us on 6 occasions that Polish Gangs are stealing fish with menaces yet we are told that it is simply rumour and prejudice to correctly identify Polish Gangsters as the perpetrators of this thievery; it is politically incorrect to say that East Europeans have within their number in this country many industrious criminals. On top of that we are then enjoined to relativise away the explicitly stated thievery on the basis of statistics that massively over represent Eastern Europeans.

This so called prejudice would be better referred to as (if we'll suffer the neologism) postjudice.

Effectively this all amounts to favourable partisan treatment of Polish people because they are Polish. This is bigotry. Isn't it ironic that innumerable "Diversity" and "Sensitivity" "Training" "Courses" the [My Local Rag] staff have no doubt been subjected to have lead to this.

On a final note I must say that the inability to correctly identify this as a problem relating to Eastern European gangs prevents the application of an effective strategy to combat it. It will only get worse. Incidentally, to allow crime of this nature to grow unchecked will only incite more postjudice.

Last_Norwegian said...

The truly disturbing thing about all this is the lack of response from our so-called leaders. Where are the catholic priests? Where are the hospital workers willing to go on strike to protect Christians from this religious persecution? Where is the public outrage and people raising money for legal action? These things clearly show the leadership vaccuum in the west. The PC scum has truly taken over every aspect of our societies.

It's not the first time Christians/jews are being persecuted and lose their jobs over religious symbols in Europe, but still people will do nothing about it. Pay attention to all this, yanks. The few similar examples you've seen in your own country *will* increase in numbers over the next few years unless you do what Europeans failed to do and take back your schools, media and bureaucracy from the leftist extremists before it's too late.

RISE_UP said...

Don't bother those poor little muslims while they take over everything someone else built. don't ask much.All they want to do is behead you and then stick their arse up in the air five times a day. They can't build anything, invent anything so that makes them the description of parasite. And Europe has gotten to the only cure...civil war.

Zenster said...

As to the crucifix incident, it is now quite clear that British officials are so occupied with kissing Muslim arse that they must blow their noses with toilet paper.

It is precisely this sort of rubbish that will see mosques burnt and Muslim blood running in the gutters. People will not long tolerate this sort of insane favoritism. This rampant PC mentality will incur the very worst sort of backlash, even as its practitioners wonder why things have gotten so out of hand.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

This is not the first case of Muslims objecting to proper laving proceedures. An instant reprimand with a permanent note in one's record and then loss of medical license upon repeat offense should be the result of such violations.

Louis Pasteur was horrified to watch doctors wear bloody surgical smocks into interviews with new patients. Students would enter delivery rooms straight from having autopsied cadavers.

It is now becoming clear that even wearing a wristwatch presents a germ vector problem. Cameras need to be installed at all hospital handwashing facilities and immediate disciplinary action taken against any offenders.

Muslims continue to push for completely unreasonable privileges and preferential treatment. If they keep this up, soon enough they shall have it, one and all, in the form of exclusive "summer camps".

Stephen Gash said...

“They are saying he should not have gone into the prayer room and it is alleged he used racist language"

Aaaah! An accusation of racism. The death rattle of a lost argument.

turn said...


"Cameras need to be installed at all hospital handwashing facilities and immediate disciplinary action taken against any offenders."

You're taking the p*ss, right? Orwellian cameras in surgery washrooms are not the answer.

Telling the bloody 'slammettes to comply with the rules or study and practice medicine where they came from is better. Better yet, prior to admission to any medical program the applicant must sign a statement that they will observe 'best practices' as judged by the administration.


Please realize that the initial skirmishes in the Euro theatre of the Jihad War will be treated as criminal acts by the natives against the invaders. I expect very harsh sentencing.

Larger riots will be handled, as in 1992 Los Angeles, by whatever version of our National Guard. The justice system will be overwhelmed and it may well be that natives will find themselves in 'summer camp'.

Governments tend to want to keep the peace at any cost. Even when they're witnessing their demise.

"We must treat them well so they will treat us well when they are the majority."

I wonder how it would have turned out if the poor sod had just covered the crucifix up, left quietly, and returned with the law in tow. I doubt that the Muslims would have made a fuss.

Oh! I know! Let's put video cameras in nondenominational prayer rooms (used to be chapels).

Would have been a fine show on Channel 4.

Zenster said...

Turn: You're taking the p*ss, right? Orwellian cameras in surgery washrooms are not the answer.

I'm not trying to piss in your ear and tell you that it's raining. The issue of proper handwashing is actually quite widespread.


According to the United States Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Handwashing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection."

Yet, recent studies and reports indicate that lack of or improper handwashing still contributes significantly to disease transmission. While we are all potentially at risk of contracting hand-transmitted illnesses, one-third of our population is especially vulnerable, including pregnant women, children, old people, and those with weakened immune systems.

It seems reasonable to assume that hospitals have come closest to responding to this problem. Modern surgery, after all, has long since solved many of the early problems of infection. However, fundamental problems of hygiene still exist. In 1992, The New England Journal of Medicine reported on a handwashing study in an intensive-care unit. Despite special education and monitored observation, handwashing rates were as low as 30% and never went above 48%!


In 1996, the lack of handwashing is surprising. We have hot running water and the benefits of many antimicrobial soaps to prevent infections. In the food-service industry, studies indicate that inadequate handwashing and cross-contamination is responsible for as much as 40% of foodborne illnesses, including Salmonella. It is estimated that there are over 80 million cases of food poisoning in the United States each year, resulting in greatly increased health care costs, loss of job productivity, and as many as 10,000 deaths per year. About 20,000 people die from nosocomial infections each year, due primarily to the lack of infection control programs. $500 million would be saved if just 17% of the nosocomial infections were prevented. This money could be used for such things as cancer or AIDS research.

[Emphasis Added]

It's not just Muslims who fail to wash up properly. We pay medical personnel quite well to maintain our health. They can damn well act responsibly and wash their hands when required. If it takes cameras to save my life from some lazy bugger, then so be it.

My own feeling is that any Muslim who balks at proper hygiene should have their medical license revoked on the spot because you know damned well they're not going to be complying with workplace standards. These rotters simply don't feel as though the law applies to them. Manmade laws are for dhimmis and only Allah can tell a Muslim what to do.

I know what Muslims can do with that attitude and they'll definitely need to wash up afterwards.

Homophobic Horse said...

" The justice system will be overwhelmed and it may well be that natives will find themselves in 'summer camp'."


With the EU aquiring abitrary powers I expect we will be interned in rainbow flagged 'Love Camps'. We will be made join hands and sing hymns to the ""Age of Aquarius"" every morning before embarking on another day of healthy exercise in the armaments factory (to kill the enemies of love everywhere).

Joanne said...

"Aaaah! An accusation of racism. The death rattle of a lost argument." by Stephen Gash true, so true....

These Muslim women can't see the absurdity of not being allowed to show their lower arms, and people actually think these Muslim women will be able to have clarity on any medical issue. These women want to live under such nonsense, they should stay home.

Sodra Djavul said...

Can we toss them out yet?

If not, why?

If so, when?

- Sodra

turn said...


Chill, man. I fully agree that any medical person anywhere that fails to comply with best practices should be sacked. They are a danger to their patients and the community. I don't need a copy and paste from the CDC&P.
I watched the team that delivered my son by C section set a five minute timer and wash from elbows to fingertips before gloving up for the procedure. I was both impressed and grateful that such care was taken.

The problem I have is with the CCDs. Ensuring compliance by video camera is becoming too common in the UK and it seems too Big Brotherly for me.


Singing would be forbidden. The gulags would not be so pleasant. (B & D-
Please note reference to Stalin and not the Austrian corporal.)

As I see it, after the first big altercation (which will take the form of street rioting) the guilty parties may be too numerous to be tried and jailed. A nice quiet island off the coast of Scotland may do.

That would be the point where a true resistance movement would be born. And, as I've posted at GoV before, people will come to their senses regarding the distaste they may experience about their alliances.

Zenster said...

Turn: The problem I have is with the CCDs. Ensuring compliance by video camera is becoming too common in the UK and it seems too Big Brotherly for me.

Fear not, we are in violent agreement. It just so happens that even after educational exposure and foreknowledge that monitoring would occur, still only 48% of the individuals were washing up properly. As the article noted:

Despite special education and monitored observation, handwashing rates were as low as 30% and never went above 48%!

This goes beyond unsatisfactory and represents an assured risk to human health. Couple this with a bunch of snotty Muslims insisting that the rules are for dhimmis and I say leave the cameras in place long enough to get rid of these uncooperative turds.

Yes, I know, once in place the cameras are rarely removed. I just want to make sure that these Islamic slimeballs don't get a chance to intentionally infect an entire ward after working with one hepatitis patient. From the article I previously cited:

In 1993, 11 health-care workers became ill with hepatitis A because they didn't wash their hands after treating one of two patients with hepatitis A

I don't care if it is through malicious intent or just plain slovenlyness, medical staff take our lives in their hands and they'd damn well better have washed them beforehand.

laine said...

I don't understand how a Christian in a still predominantly Christian nation is denied his rights to view his icons in a multi-faith chapel that was instead turned into a de facto mosque by the mere presence of three Muslims.

This is Islam and sharia creep, inch by inch, public space by public space, even hospital hygiene rules to be changed to the sharia version, not that of proper science...The early resisters such as this poor hospital employee are egregiously punished, by losing their livelihood or being imprisoned or threatened for their blogging as in the Lionheart case.

Not only is there a general fund required to help such victims, but also a brisk education of the public on all things Islam that the media and ignorant governmental and religious leaders are either incapable of or unwilling to tell them.

One may be reduced to dropping information leaflets on London to get around politicians both labor and "conservative" and the BBC.

Charlemagne said...

It is simply unbelievable that this is the same nation that birthed Lord Nelson, Richard the Lionheart, Edward the Black Prince, Henry V, Winston Churchill, Montgomery, the Duke of Wellington, the founders of these United States, and countless other men of bravery, honor, and valor.
Oh Britannia what hath become of thee?
Generations of Britons would be deeply ashamed of what has become of their country and countrymen.

Whiskey said...

Most Britons believe Churchill, Richard the Lionheart, were made up myths. While they believe Biggles and Sherlock Holmes were real.

PC Multiculturalism at work.

Zenster is completely right. This act and others of British authorities kissing Muslim ass will enrage the populace, and at one point a Napoleon, a Cromwell, a Franco, a Mussolini, will arrive. European history is full of those men, they seize power to make themselves Emperor or Lord Protector or whatnot, and do so because of a power vacuum in the nation by the prior authorities misrule. Machiavelli is most instructive on that point.

Who would such a man be? Probably not a policeman, but rather a soldier. A Colonel or General, well placed among his men, perhaps his way blocked out of PC fears.

There will be riots, and crises, and eventually one of those men will decide to take power for himself and ride the moment. There is a lot of ruin in a nation.

This fight is coming too early for Muslims, they don't have the numbers advantage and too many people are "Stuck" and sick of PC-Multiculti-ism. At the very worst there could be a British Pablo Escobar. HE had political ambitions. Misrule is always dangerous.

Zenster is absolutely right.

carpenter said...

Thank you, British PC-servants!
I've been giving some thoughts lately on the question whether Sweden or Britain have the most idiotic version of political correctness. Now, I've finally found out what I suspected: The UK is actually worse than Sweden!
Although there is a complete consensus in Sweden among journalists, editorial-writers and politicians that multiculturalism is enrichment, that we benefit from a mass-immigration with no equivalent in Europe and that Islam is a religion of peace, I consider the UK to be worse than Sweden which is an EXTREMELY stiff competition! Hence, as a Swede, I find it very comforting that you've gone more insane than we have. Thank you very much indeed, British PC-servants! You've made my day, really!
But don't you think perhaps that British people are more reluctant to you're insanity than I am? Perhaps the British are reluctant of Britain to be a Multicultural garbage-tip west of the European continent. Ought you not to show them some respect?
Ought you not instead to read what Winston Churchill once said about Islam, or - to use Churchill's own word - Mohammedanism (from "The River War", first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50:)

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as
hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of
slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.
It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step;
and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong
arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the
civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of
ancient Rome."

velvethammer said...

I would like to know why the Crucifix and the picture of the Virgin Mary were covered in the first place. What were the muslims worried their eyes would burn out of their sockets?

PRCalDude said...


Can I borrow the term "postjudice?"

Zenster said...

Whisky_199: Zenster is completely right. This act and others of British authorities kissing Muslim ass will enrage the populace, and at one point a Napoleon, a Cromwell, a Franco, a Mussolini, will arrive.

Allow me to put it another way:

If it ain't a knight in shining armor, it'll be the Four Horsemen.

Keep hammering, Whisky, until the flippin' sparks fly.

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