Wednesday, February 27, 2008

“Down, down, Denmark!”

Fox News - all of the MSM, for that matter - must have a template by now for rioting Muslims. It probably goes something like this:

In front of thousands of cheering citizens in [capitol of Islamic country] [leader] said on [date] that [country] called on all of Islam to boycott Danish commodities.

[Esteemed Leader] said that Denmark had done the unthinkable by printing cartoons of the Prophet (pbuh). In retaliation, [country] was going to refuse further aid from Denmark, claiming it was contaminated money. [Country] was sure Saudi Arabia would come to help with petro dollars to replace the kroner it planned to return so as to avoid Danish cooties.

/irony; sarcasm

Actually, here’s the scoop on the government-backed demonstrations from the Sudan, as reported by Fox News. Let’s just say that boycotts can work both ways, if the Danes are inclined to get tough:

A butter knife right in the heart of DenmarkSudanese President Omar al-Bashir said Wednesday he would bar Danes from Sudan and told tens of thousands of people at a government-backed rally that the Muslim world should boycott Denmark because of a reprinted cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.

“We urge all Muslims around the world to boycott Danish commodities, goods, companies, institutions, organizations and personalities,” al-Bashir told the crowd outside the Republic Palace in downtown Khartoum.

“Down, down, Denmark!” shouted the protesters. Al-Bashir vowed that “not a single Danish foot will from now on desecrate the land of Sudan.”

In reality, it seems that Danish feet will have to leave Danish Red Cross projects if Omar al-Bashir is anything more than a windbag:
- - - - - - - - -

Sudan is one of the largest recipients of Danish aid and Danish aid groups that operate there include the Danish Refugee Council and the Danish Red Cross, which runs large projects to alleviate suffering in the western Darfur region.


The African country received 130.2 million kroner (euro17.5 million; US$26 million) in Danish aid in 2006 and a 500 million kroner (euro67 million; US$100 million) humanitarian and reconstruction package is planned through 2009.

What is the likelihood that ol’ Omar would stop the aid from Denmark to Darfur? Or would that move interfere with whatever skimming the local Janjaweed may have been doing as they proceed with their planned genocide?

Hat tip: TB


Steen said...

Well, rioting male muslim in far-away dysfunctional states, is becoming a bit of a non-story. Actually, we have everything to win by cutting all connections with the SOB´s.
We import 3.2 mio kroner af goods from Sudan. I wonder what that could be ?

Danmarks eksport til Sudan udgjorde i 2006 116 mio. kr., mens importen fra Sudan i 2006 udgjorde 3,6 mio ............
humanitær bistand og modtog i 2006 130,2 mio. kr.
Et samlet dansk humanitær- og genopbygningsprogram på 500 mio. kr. for perioden frem til 2009 .

Dymphna said...

unfortunately the rhetoric will die and the suits will keep the aid in place.

Since these countries are based on corruption, a new paradigm of aid to poorer countries needs to be established. The one currently in place breeds contempt in the receivers and impatience in the givers.

I saw that repeatedly after Hurricane Katrina. It would be laughable if it weren't so degraded.

babs said...

Denmark needs to ask France what it should do. Total/Fina is the second largest non-Sudanese exporter of oil after the Chinese.
My guess is that the French will tell you to swallow your pride and continue supplying aid to the Sudan.
A very good business decision for the French.

Frank said...

I have plastered more thana few of these stickers around our major shopping centers

Steen said...

ask France? Hardly. We have sufficient oil of our own in the North Sea.

And it goes for the whole of the middle East: They import 85 % of their food - we could starve them in no time, whereas we dont need their oil.

nikolai said...

It would be so great if they all decided to refuse aid money. Not likely I know but nice to dream.

On the food thing, that's seems likely sooner rather than later if food costs keep going up.

Henrik R Clausen said...

I think we should direct aid at non-Muslims only. Part of the aid to Sudan goes to Christians, and I'm reluctant to cut that.

BTW, I wonder why the demonstraters aren't using the original Motoon in their picture? It expresses their 'religious feelings' eloquently.

Hmm, perhaps Photoshop could fix that?

Unknown said...

ScottSA said...
I have plastered more thana few of these stickers around our major shopping centers


Thank you for posting this.
Hmmm... Come to think of it, I could use some new t-shirts as well.

babs said...

Steen - I was being sarcastic...

However, it is true that France is the 2nd largest foreign exporter of oil from Sudan after China.

kepiblanc said...

The Empire strikes back: The Danish government just decided NOT to cancel Sudan's dept of DKr. 2 billion ($400,000,000) as originally planned. Not that it matters much, those countries never pay their loans back anyway.

Zenster said...

Sudan is one of the largest recipients of Danish aid and Danish aid groups that operate there include the Danish Refugee Council and the Danish Red Cross, which runs large projects to alleviate suffering in the western Darfur region.

Islam has made an art form out of ingratitude. Time to cut off all aid to Muslim Majority nations.

Steen: And it goes for the whole of the middle East: They import 85 % of their food - we could starve them in no time, whereas we dont need their oil.

I am beginning to think that cowardly Western nations will more likely resort to this form of slow death than ever summon the political will to threaten the MME (Muslim Middle East) with simple nuclear annihilation.

It bears repeating that the entire MME hovers on a knife edge of marginal survival. Lack of potable water, arable land, industrial development and other vital resources makes the entire MENA (Middle East North Africa) region utterly dependent upon imports of all kinds. A simple export boycott of the area would bring them to their knees with the onset of mass starvation starting in mere weeks.

Henrick: Part of the aid to Sudan goes to Christians, and I'm reluctant to cut that.

Two words: Air Drops

Screw these Islamic ingrates. They need to be taught that sand and oil makes a less-than-toothesome meal.

Either we begin to institute such harsh measures right away or watch the entire MME be immolated after it manages to launch some terrorist nuclear attacks. We are killing Islam with kindness.

laine said...

Are the Danes aiding the victims of the Muslim janjaweed (the Muslim government's thugs?) Those victims are black Africans who are Christian, animist and Muslim. It's probably impossible to withhold aid from the black Muslims. What they should be doing is converting them to Chrisianity by pointing out that Islam is the religion of the first and last African slavers and Muslim Arabs their present persecutors.

Meanwhile, I think the Danes should make a formal statement along the following lines:

"It has been brought to our attention by the government of Sudan that they object to our cultural beliefs and our presence and aid are not welcome. We will therefore disengage from this part of the world and let the wealthy Muslim states take over to prevent further insult. We await a brisk transition to prevent humanitarian disaster."

Then there should follow monthly bulletins to the effect: "We await to hear President al Bashir's alternative arrangements".

"We have contacted the Islamic bloc at the UN for clarification as to how quickly they will be substituting for our aid to Sudan".

etc. etc.

It is tiresome pouring western money down Islamic toilets while they attack and insult us. We have to stop being suckers and expose Arab and Muslim fecklessness. They have wealthy countries. Where is their aid to their fellow Muslims? Where is their aid to non-Muslims for that matter as we infidels do not restrict ourselves to other infidels in our aid.

Shine the light on their greed, their unwillingness to help their fellow Muslims, let alone their fellow man.

Force them to divert the funds they are now spending on mosque building in the West into humanitarian aid to Muslim nations including Palestine.

Every time they complain, ACT! Make it cost them, in world prestige if nothing else.

Zenster said...

Laine: Force them to divert the funds they are now spending on mosque building in the West into humanitarian aid to Muslim nations including Palestine.

Herein lies the crux of this matter. Islam—being the death cult that it is—truly does not care one whit about Muslim quality of life. Lo! The Glorious Global Caliphate™ beckons alluringly and woe betide anyone, any race or any nation that stands between Islam and its dream quest of world domination, including Muslims themselves, however needy.

The heresy of democracy and niggling little distractions like prosperity all can be damned as Islam races headlong towards its endpoint. Perish the thought that Muslims should bother to comprehend how their long-cherished triumphalist ideal is nothing more than Global Cultural Genocide™ for all who refuse to bow towards Mecca.

Blind to the gruesome spectacle presented by their own morbid obsession with Islamic purity, endless internecine Muslim slaughter embroiders a vivid picture of what awaits those of us who reject Islam's withering embrace.

Moreover, it is a given to all free thinkers and lovers of liberty that the finish line of this desperate struggle is one that Islam simply will not cross. The penalty for any failure in this by Western civilization is so exorbitant that victory at any cost has become a small price to pay. It is not that the end justifies the means but that any lack of resolution means our end as a civilization.

Rest assured that there is little I will forego to ensure against such a dismal outcome. After centuries of striving towards enduring human freedom, no band of barbaric Neanderthal thugs will be given the pleasure of thrusting our entire world back into the Stone Age. If the cost of avoiding that is every single Muslim life on earth, then so be it. That is a choice for Islam—and Islam alone—to make. Our own decision to survive must be a foregone conclusion or, surely, we all will perish beneath the Muslim sword.

Never forget that—by its own voluntary choice—Islam is the sole party that has made this conflict into one of “all or nothing”. All that remains for the West is to ensure that—at day’s end—Islam alone comes up empty-handed.

Henrik R Clausen said...

"Every time they complain, ACT! Make it cost them, in world prestige if nothing else."


Dansk Folkeparti is bringing in the relevant minister on this, suggesting her to take concrete action towards Sudan (and Yemen) on this.

For ourselves, what we can do is that every time something like this comes up, we write to the politicians suggesting action. Of course we'll be brushed off some of the times - but the other times, where our proposals are taken seriously, are jackpot.

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