Friday, January 11, 2008

France Needs Immigrants to Fund Pensions

Europe imports immigrants in order to prop up the retirement pensions of aging native Europeans.

We all know this; it’s obvious that the European welfare state cannot be sustained much longer without a mass infusion of new blood. To the elites who craft immigration policy, it’s of no consequence that in practical terms “new blood” means welcoming millions of Muslims from the Third World who incubate radical jihad ideology and violent terrorism in their midst.

We all know this, but it’s not usually stated so clearly:

France: Attali Commission, More Immigrants for Growth

Favouring the issuing of visas in order to allow the arrival of more foreign workers: this is one of the solutions to revive the French economy, according to a report by the commission chaired by Jacques Attali, which will be presented to Sarkozy on January 23, 2008. The French president assigned a pool of 41 experts, French and foreign ones (among whom former Italian EU Commissioner Mario Monti) to elaborate the guidelines for economic revival, Il Sole 24 Ore reported. According to media reports, the guidelines include increasing the number of immigrants with professional qualification arriving in the country in order to satisfy the demand in the sectors suffering work force shortage, such as construction and catering. “France needs the immigration, otherwise all of our discussions on the funding of the pension system would not make any sense,” Attali declared. [emphasis added]

Hat tip: insubria.

[Nothing follows]


eatyourbeans said...

I'd bet a dollar to a button that was the real motive behind the late McCain Kennedy Immigration Bill. Adding tens of millions of new contributers to our bankrupt social security and medicare systems must have seemed salvation to our politician -gamblers.

The catch of course is that neither Hose nor Mohammmed has the faintest interest in paying for grand pa's and grand pere's false teeth.

Zenster said...

To the elites who craft immigration policy, it’s of no consequence that in practical terms “new blood” means welcoming millions of Muslims from the Third World who incubate radical jihad ideology and violent terrorism in their midst.

Not to mention how many of these Muslims have no intention of working and, instead, seek to live off European jizya. How's that going to fund all those pensions?

EatYourBeans: I'd bet a dollar to a button that was the real motive behind the late McCain Kennedy Immigration Bill. Adding tens of millions of new contributers to our bankrupt social security and medicare systems must have seemed salvation to our politician -gamblers.

My own view is that American politicians love illegal aliens because they use fake work IDs that result in huge social security contributions that will never be collected. This allows them to continue milking social security like the last cow on the farm. Of course, they'll never admit that the burden of illegal aliens on our social services and the criminal justice system probably outweighs their tax contributions.

George Bruce said...

Why doesn't France instruct its consulates in Mexico to pass out visa applications on the streets?

Unknown said...

They're funding their pensions through a pyramid scheme where they bring in immigrants to pay for the pensions of the natives and then when those immigrants get old they'll need more immigrants to pay for the pensions of the previous ones.

By then France will no longer have Gauls as the majority so the Arabs and Africans will have to sort out that problem themselves.

Diamed said...

What right, exactly, do old people have to deprive their descendants of their own homeland in order to squeeze out a few more miserable years of senility?

spackle said...

“France needs the immigration, otherwise all of our discussions on the funding of the pension system would not make any sense,”

So let me get this straight. In order to take care of the last generation of native Frenchmen the whole country must be destroyed. Help Will Robinson!!! Does not compute!!! Like the death of the last Civil War or ww1 veteran I have a feeling we will soon be hearing about the last ethnic European. Out with a whimper. It is the same story everywhere, including here in the U.S.. Of course we all know its a scam. Unless of course the baby boomers are demi-gods who must be taken care of at all costs.

laller said...

It's also an oft used excuse(or argument/justification, if you prefer those term) in Denmark that we need immigrants to retain our welfare system. However, we have 2 Danish "think tanks"(one government sponsored, the other private) that have both done the math: Immigrants(and their descendants) cost more than they contribute. I believe the private "think tank" calculated the net loss per immigrant, over the course of his/her lifetime, to be around 1.000.0000 Danish kroner(that's ~$200.000). Infact, I believe that one of the think tanks wrote that if we stopped immigration half the funds needed to secure our welfare state in the future would have been found...
Obviously it's not a rational proposal to import people who cost you money if your aim is to "make" money...

It's a false argument.

Layer Seven said...

Alas, of the world's religions, Islam is the economic weak sister. Predominantly Islamic countries are dirt poor; the very poorest of the poor, and for good reason. Islam is scarcely the religion of industry any more than it is the religion of peace; and this is proven in every Muslim country. How can European governments expect Muslims to be more productive in Europe than they are in their home countries? - Particularly as Paris progresses to resemble Algiers, we will see the French GDP begin to resemble that of Algeria, instead. A dismal retirement picture for the aging of France becomes evident; however a decline in life expectancy may solve the problem.

Whiskey said...

Of course the contradiction is that bringing in more immigrants of whatever nationality and background simply lowers wages and working conditions for native workers.

This puts the interests of "pension funding" squarely against the interests of people currently working. Not to mention increased taxation to pay for social services for immigrants, and the crowding out of natives by immigrants who have a closed social network that excludes natives.

This is the case regardless of the origin of immigrants, but is often worse the more poverty-stricken, non-Judeo/Christian, and anti-Modern the immigrants are.

It's a condition that Lenin would call "pre-revolutionary" because the interests of the ordinary natives are severely harmed, and they have no outlet to express and modify the harm.

IMHO this is quite dangerous.

John Rohan said...

As Wazpy said, this is a pyramid scheme. Hasn't it occured to Attali that immigrants someday grow up and then need pension benefits themselves? Can't anyone think more than just a few years in the future?

Marginalized Action Dinosaur said...

bringing in people who are unemployable or on welfare does not help pensions.

Getting rid of affirmative action programs and encouraging people to have children does.

300 or so years ago in Canada when it was new France, they passed a bunch of laws essentially making people rich for having lots of children and the average family size grew to 12, In France it was about 1/2 that.

It has been done without the immigration that causes riots, fires, rapes.

ole said...

It may or may not be true that countries with unhealthy birthrates needs to import workers,but this does not mean that they have to import IMIGRANTS ,and specialy not muslim imigrants that have prooven to be much more difficult to integrate in a modern society than many other groups.
There is a much smarter way to do this. It's called CONTRACT WORKERS.
Many countries solve most if not all their worker problems in this way.
This might be organized as bi-lateral agreement between two governments.
As an examble Israel has an agreement with Tailand anabling Tai workers to work for UP TIL 2 years in Israel . The Employer or contractor is PERSONALY responsible for these workers welbeing and RETURN to tailand.
The workers are hard woking ,efficient and has earned themselves a good reputation .They save most of the money and on return to Tailand are in good position to contribute to the devellopment of their contry,bringing with them both money and experince from an advanced economy.
Therefor the scream for more and imigrants has nothing directly to to do with WORK but have to be seen as result of PC ,kind of a virtual brain-virus.
An aditional way of prooving this lies in the fact that the countries that use contract labour only, are the most un-politicly-corect ones, such as the gulf states,israel and japan.
This might also indicate that PC is mostly a CRISTHIAN desease.

carpenter said...

" 'France needs the immigration, otherwise all of our discussions on the funding of the pension system would not make any sense,' Attali declared"

Apparently, monsieur Jacques Attali belong to the 3rd finest in the moral championship:
The demographic argument comes as number three. The country needs immigrants since our own population is getting old. Who will take care of the elderly in the future, unless we take in new people? The promoters have here taken self-interest as their premise, yet based on the recipe that immigrants as well as original citizens will benefit from it.
It could be wondered: Do countries like Norway and Sweden actually cease to function without immigrants? Will the elderly die from mistreatment? Is it true that nobody will clean workplaces, unless there are immigrants here? Will restaurant kitchens drown in undone dishes?

As Ottar Brix comments: "Of course, it isn’t necessary to have a Nobel Economic prize to realize this is nonsense"

I rest my case

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