Sunday, September 02, 2007

Egypt Weighs In

Now that MSM news stories about Lars Vilks’ blasphemy are sprouting up all over the place like mushrooms, I’m feeling left out.

I want to yell, “Hey! Lookit us! Gates of Vienna has the full background on the crisis, including material not otherwise available in English! We’ve been covering the Modoggie story since July 23rd, for cryin’ out loud!”

Ah, well… Such are the vagaries of fate.

Anyway, here’s the latest on the Rondellhund caper. Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the OIC have condemned the Modoggies. Now it’s Egypt’s turn:

Egypt slams Prophet Mohammad cartoon in Sweden

A ModoggieCAIRO, Sept 2 (NNN-KUNA) — Egypt’s Ministry of Awqaf (religious endowments) Saturday condemned as “irresponsible and offensive” the publication of a caricature of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by a Swedish newspaper recently.

“Such an irresponsible act is not conducive to friendly ties between the Islamic world and the west,” the ministry said in a statement here.

The statement urged Swedish authorities, “known for their moderate attitudes towards Muslims, to adopt measures” against Örebro-based Nerikes Allehanda newspaper which published the offending cartoons, and apology for the act.

“Diplomatic contacts can help settle the heated controversy,” it pointed out.

Translation: “If you crack down promptly on the offensive and blasphemous newspapers, we’ll overlook this little indiscretion and Sweden can return to its status as Most Favored Dhimmi Nation.”
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And here’s a little a reminder of what’s in the air:

The ministry renewed call for a UN resolution incriminating any infringement on religions and putting an end to acts offending Muslims.

You might say, “Balderdash! That’s just the UN, and who cares what they say?”

But… there are bills working their way through Congress that do essentially the same thing as the proposed UN resolution. And it’s important to note that all of these initiatives specify Islam, and no other religion, as deserving of special treatment.

When the Democrats gain the presidency and an even firmer lock on Congress in 2008, look for one of these bills to gain real traction.

Which means that the official Swedish reaction to Muslim demands in the Modoggie crisis is significant for all of us.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.


carpenter said...

There's no sign of this act on the Egyptian Forign Ministry's website, so far..

Fellow Peacekeeper said...

"We’ve been covering the Modoggie story since July 23rd, for cryin’ out loud!”

Ah, well… Such are the vagaries of fate.

Fate? Nay, the norns are innocent, it is merely the lowbrow standards of the cheap and sleazy MSM.

The Graduate said...

In Victoria Australia the "Anti Villification Act" was introduced to stop the villification of religions and Ethnic groups. As far as I know the only groups to invoke it were Muslims who were annoyed that Catch the Fire Ministries had made "derogatory" remarks about Islam. At this point no Jewish or Christian group has invoked it againts any Mosque or Imam. I think it must be because no derrogatory remark regarding Judaism and Christianity has been made by our Muslim cousins in a Vicorian Mosque.

Anonymous said...

“Such an irresponsible act is not conducive to friendly ties between the Islamic world and the west,” the ministry said in a statement here.

Maybe it is about time we Westerners start taking the steps to cut off those ties with the degenerate Islamic World. This is just one example.

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