Thursday, August 02, 2007


The doctorsThe surgery went well. Dymphna said to tell everyone that she is “doped to the eyebrows and not taking in any information.” Then she went to sleep.

Fortunately, her rhetorical rotator cuff has not been damaged, and she’ll be back in the thick of it soon enough, tearing the throats out of the mujahideen with her bare hands (metaphorically speaking, that is).

Many thanks to Fjordman for helping to keep the lights on here today. And thanks also to everyone who wished Dymphna well via email, skype, and the comments on the earlier thread.

Posting may be light for a while, since my nursing duties are fairly strenuous right now. I’ll report in when I can.

While you’re waiting, entertain yourselves with this.

[Nothing follows]


Unknown said...

Best to Dymphna and her Baron. Wishes for a speedy recovery.

X said...

Now that you've said all that metaphorical stuff, Baron, I can't help but imagine Dymphna as some sort of Boadicea-like character, tramping around the world in her short gardening shoes and waving a pair of shears and an american flag at anyone foolhardy enough to challenge her. :)

As for the operation... I have to keep reminding myself that the NHS isn't typical. Something like that would have meant three weeks waiting for a table to be free and then a high possibility of the op being cancelled. It's only real emergencies that get fast service these days. Exploding appendixes (appendicies?) and the like.

Dymphna said...

[Baron is typing, Dymphna dictating]

Archonix --

City Journal online has an excellent article by a Canadian doctor describing your experience. I'm not so sure that the large university teaching hospitals in the USA are any better. On the other hand, my "private" care at a very nice hospital booted me out last night before I had really recovered from the anaesthesia. At 3AM the poor Baron was reduced to reading the "home care instructions" that contradicted what I was told when I was fully conscious in the previous week's pre-admission session.

What is left of my pain-addled mind will be used to discuss this matter with the physician's assistant. I will do my best to remain civil.

MauserMedic said...

Hope your recovery is quick and uncomplicated. A tip to make recovery more enjoyable: as your physical ability is compromised, there's no excuse for not being waited upon hand and foot....

Dymphna said...

the hand part is ok, but the doc told me to keep walking to avoid embolisms from forming.

typing w L hand...

Lao said...

Take is easy and slow and get well soon please don't strain yourself - take care and not to worry we are all praying for a speedy recovery.

xlbrl said...

Ah yes, the last fastball left my fingertips at 4;15 on a Saturday in June of 1994. Rotator cuffs are indispensible for much in addition to pitching, I learned.
Shoulder surgery recoveries may be less joy than any other excepting, I'm told, knee replacement. But at least you won't be walking on your shoulder.

Hanley Family said...

Glad to hear all is well, and hope the healing goes quickly!

Unknown said...

great blog

Yorkshireminer said...

Dear Dymphna

Nice to hear you are on the mend Luv. Rotating cuff injury. I thought that it was some form of attachment you put on the end of a Robotic arm. I checked it out it seems to be a very very painful shoulder injury. I hope you manage to sleep well. I was thinking of you this afternoon, while siting in the Emergency section of our local hospital waiting four hours, while my son got treated for a broken wrist. I keep telling him skateboards are dangerous, and next time luv wear a pair of wellies when you work in the garden and not Cloggs.

Deep Regards.

Yorkshire Miner

Pastorius said...

I had no idea what was going on.

Thanks be to G-d that you have been blessed with a postivie outcome.

Fausta said...

Glad to hear things are going well, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

The Sanity Inspector said...

All my best for her swift recovery.

Dymphna said...

thanks, y'all.

this is all very time consuming for the Baron. as i regain consciuosness, i see there are twice as many arthroscopic 'holes' as the doc predicted. behind them are pins of some kind...percoset is definitely my new best friend.

anyway, poor man is sleep-deprived and hasn't had time to blog. i've started a few posts but my brain doesn't stay on track for long.

maybe i'll do a post onwhat i'd be posting on had i not had a run in with the ground.

no morre clogs!

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