Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Few Reports Trickle in…

The UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit

Some bloggers have returned from the meeting and are giving their impressions.

from Yorkshire, England posted:

I have just returned to the UK from a very interesting and useful meeting that took place yesterday in Copenhagen. Like minded people came together from a number of European countries as well as from the United States to get to know each other as develop a way forward in the fight against Islamism.

It was refreshing to meet so many people from different countries who shared similar ideals and concerns. Hopefully this meeting will be remembered as the beginning of something of historical importance that will serve to galvanise the counter jihad community worldwide. I hope that this will be the first of many such international meetings and that the next one will have even more countries represented. The struggle against Islamism is global and it is gratifying to see people finally starting to unite in common cause.

Part of the discussions covered a planned event outside the European Parliament in Brussels that will take place later on this year. It is hoped that as many European counties as possible will be well represented at this event so that a clear message can be sent to European leaders that their current approach to dealing with Islamism is not acceptable.

The movement is now up and running, but the best is yet to come.

That “planned event outside the European Parliament in Brussels” ought to be interesting. Somehow I don’t think the Brussels police will be all that sympathetic.

Here’s Exile’s input:

The event involved the coming together of many minds. The idea was not to set any vast political agenda…the summit was a chance to meet and greet and exchange ideas and meaning. Politicians, activists and the bloggers all defining their need for each other and the need for increased coordinated publicity.

It was a contact meet. And it went well. SIOE was launched as a coordinating organ. The Centre for Vigilant Freedom and its role in the anti Jihad was explained. The philosophy and tactics behind the efforts of SIAD was explained. This was the mixing of intent with practise. It will bear fruit later.

Zonka has also posted his view of the event:
- - - - - - - - - -
As the Gates of Vienna have reported we had a get together in Copenhagen with people from the Center for Vigilant Freedom, SIAD (Stop Islamisation of Denmark), Sverigedemokraterne, FOMI (Svenska Forum Mot Islamisering - Swedish Forum Against Islamization) as well as many bloggers including Baron Bodissey of the Gates of Vienna as one of the prominent speakers, bloggers from many anti-jihad and Islam critical blogs were present.


The meeting was surrounded by some level of security due to the fact that both members of SIAD and Sverigedemokraterne have been attacked by leftist extremists at some of their previous meetings, so nothing was to be said about the meeting in advance and we all met at a neutral place only to take a short walk to the final destination that was “Den Danske Kro” where we had a nice meal and some of the good Danish beer.

The whole arrangement was a smashing success, people started talking, debating and mingling from the beginning, and after the meal first Baron Bodissey made his speech, which can be found at Gates of Vienna, followed by Anders Gravers of SIAD who told about why and how SIAD was formed as a movement that weren’t satisfied by just sitting around and debating issues but wanted to engage in a policy of more action - And by playing a confrontational and provoking game engaging the established politicians, media as well as the muslim segment into acknowledging the situation as well as take a position on some of the problem issues. He also spoke about the new project SIOE - Stop the Islamisation of Europe, which is a pan-European organization to help stem the Islamic tide and to help national and regional anti-jihad groups in all of Europe as well as being a source of exchanging information from all over Europe and have the information translated and ready to be presented in various languages.

The last speaker was Asger a philosopher from SIAD who was connecting the dots on why we are fighting, who we are fighting and what we are fighting for, putting it into a historical perspective dating back to the ancient Greek democracy, the Icelandic democracy at Altinget and the problems that our current democracy is facing, as well as defining the values that we are fighting for Freedom, Democracy and Liberty and the Rule of Law!

As he put it,

This summit in itself didn’t come out with some pompous declaration or formation of some bureaucratic structure to bury the process in, but with an invigorating new sense of purpose and direction as well as a better understanding between the parties involved in this fight… And that is the most important thing and the best result that one could hope for.

No “pompous declarations? No “bureaucratic structure?” I guess that proves it wasn’t funded by the UN, hmmm?

Read more here.

There will be further reports later, as people check in.


Zerosumgame said...

I don't know about others, but I'd be most interested for Baron to tell me about Fjordman (to the extent he can do so without giving away his identity.).

I don't get the impression that any "big" names were there (Steyn, Hanson, etc.), but given Fjordman's background and presence in the blogosphere, he is almost certainly the most intriguing.

Fellow Peacekeeper said...

Aha, sounds like a fascinating meeting.

Lionheart said...

Kudos to the Baron and all who attended the summit. I'm more convinced than ever that, ultimately, it will people like this who will make a difference. Because our enemy does not constitute a government, our government seems unable to comprehend it. If this is not a clash of civilizations, it is certainly a clash of civilians.

Anonymous said...
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Baron Bodissey said...

I'm at Phanarath's house in Århus in Jutland right now. Hi everybody! We have had great weather, and an excellent meeeting. I'll prove I'm on a Danish keyboard: æøå. There.

Indigo Red said...

Cute, Baron. I'm convinved.

Thank you for attending the meet. I look forward to anything else you have to say on the event and all the other points of view, too.

I believe also this is the only way the common threat to us all can be met - by the people, for the people, and of the people. Our governments don't seem to be much interested in actual confrontation with any threat to the collective survival of our civilization.

Dymphna said...

Yeah, Baron, how about telling us *something* of this meeting. We're all waiting to hear.

Any little tidbit would be appreciated.

Exile said...

And Zerosumgame gets it wrong again.
My father in law is 80 years old now. At 14 years of age he joined the Danish resistance. He does not have a big name. He is physically not big. He is soft spoken. But the ACTIONS of this quiet common man helped send the mighty Wehrmacht packing back to a defeated Germany in 1944.
Big names? We don't need no stinkin' big names. We need more MEN like him who are prepared to actually DO SOMETHING..

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