Dear Baron Bodissey,I am from Sweden, Halmstad to be more precise, not too far south of Gothenburg. I lived there until July 2005 when I moved to Michigan, USA where I have been living since.
I must say your article made my stomach turn. I can easily discard what many bloggers responded to your article with, as I have seen a lot of what you wrote with my own eyes. I am 20 years old and even I can say that when I was younger Sweden was a better place, the last 10 years have brought a new wave of “civilization” there.
Posing with a Swedish flag, singing the National Anthem or discussing immigration is labeled as “racism”, not only by immigrants, but by the Swedish media as well. Aftonbladet is probably the Swedish biggest newspaper, and not too long ago they presented pictures of people involved with nationalistic parties, including their home address, phone number and other information. Yet when 5 Arabic boys between 16 and 21 raped a 14 year old girl, they showed only blackened profile pictures and no other information, not even a first name.
I can say I have really seen the negative impact of the immigration. The USA may have a lot of immigrants but the US Government does not play sissy games as Sweden does. The immigrants in Sweden take full advantage of what they can, and no one says it’s enough, that when you move to a country, you have to adapt to it. I am not saying to disband your culture or beliefs, not at all, but enforcing it and disregarding the culture of the citizens of the actual country you come to is beyond disrepectful.
As you stated, we were once the Vikings, the pride of the North and now we have gone in reverse and are beyond polite and weak in determination.
I hope your article does not go unnoticed, though I am fairly sure it will to the people who actually handle the current situation in Sweden.
We had a saying during World War II, “en Svensk tiger”, which basicly means that a Swede keeps silent. Since they Germans took over Norway and wanted to build a railroad through Sweden we let them, since we had no army to fight it. The saying basically is that you are free to think what you want, just do not say it out loud. This still lingers, this is how we are brought up. Think what you will, discuss it in the home, within closed walls where no one else can hear you except those like you. In public you don’t; you don’t misbehave in public. Most Swedish people do not even send their food back in resturants if it is bad, since it is considered rude. We are polite, even though we do not want to be. We smile and nod, accept it then lash out when we are home, out of reach of the ears of others. This is the way I was brought up as well, this is the way the people from Sweden that I know behave.
We are a nation of weaklings who won’t speak up or stand up for ourselves, and when you don’t stand up, you get stomped on and that is what is happening.
Sweden still is not overall bad, but it is changing for the worse; it has been. We took on immigration in the 70’s because our factories needed workers, now even the Swedish people can’t get a job, let alone immigrants. It is frustrating, seeing your country fall apart. Frankly I have no hope for Sweden, not that long ago I used to read all this weird crazy stuff happening everywhere else; now all of a sudden it is happening all the time in Sweden, rapes, murders and whatnot, sickening it is. I cast my vote for the Nationalistic Parties, not because I am a racist, not because I am against immigration, in fact I am an immigrant in the USA myself, but because things are only good or useful in healthy doses, be it fast food or immigration — too much has its consequences.
Thank you for a very well written article, I appreciate an honest view on the current situation in a country that once was mine.
Patrik Ingelmo
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Letter from a Swede
Reader Patrik Ingelmo sent us the following note, with our permission to post it. His first reference to what I wrote is actually referring to Fjordman’s post about Sweden.
Best of luck in America!
Immigration only makes sense when it strengthens a land.
And when the people coming to that country do it out an impulse to both improve their own lives and to enrich their new home.
And not merely as a form of disguised "colonization", which has been Islam's intention since Mohammad and his homicidal hordes spread their intolerant creed from the poisonous nest of Medina. (And now stretch their tyrannical theocratic shadow from Fez to Jakarta.)
I guess it will soon be considered "racist" in Scadinavia to have locks on your doors. (And then to even have doors on your houses.)
This self-defeating social/political attitude is a kind of spiritual/philosophical AIDS, silently undermining the intellectual/cultural immune system of the region. And Europe, at large.
The people on the Continent have to ask themselves:
-what do the Muslims bring? What do they add? Where are the enriching inventions, the refreshing art, the stimulating literature, or surprising medical breakthroughs?
Is there anything positive coming from Islam being in Europe?
(Merely demonstrating the weakness of your native 'immune system' hardly rises to a 'positive'.)
I remain astonished that Europeans thought that they could take on immigrants from outside Europe. It's like expecting China to take on immigrants from Europe...and consider them all Chinese.
American, Australia, Canada, are all European, and, not without reason, Anglo, cultures that have been able to absorb immigrants. Our identity is not essentially ethnic. But most countries in the world are not like us. What brilliant group decided that you could make a Pakistani into a Swede? The hubris of it is breathtaking. And the outcome grim.
Interesting principles are emerging from all this.
Elsewhere, someone has suggested that - in the context of ceasefires, peace treaties, etc. - it's only negotiation if both sides desire peace. If one side prefers war, it's appeasement.
Here: it's only immigration if the entrants respect, and hopefully wish to emulate, the values of 'their new country'. If they place their own values above the host country's, or worse want to replace the host country's values with theirs, it's reverse colonization.
It's sad about Sweden. Much as Swedes would detest the thought: they have a lot to learn from the Danes.
JC Supercop, indeed there are some striking similarities with the PRC of the Cultural Revolution, the 'Kampuchea' of Noam Ch.., er, Pol Pot, and the North Korea of Kim Jong Il, and the democracy-in-name-mostly of Swedistan. No death camps, though. Yet.
Patrick --
If you're interested in keeping in touch with Swedish affairs let me recommend :
Snaphanen. Steen and Scantiger are Danes with a great and profound love of Sweden, but not Swedistan - like me.
RubenRussell asked...
"Is there no blog site in all of Sweden, not even one, that can publish Fjordman's articles in Swedish? If not, why not? "
All of Fjordman's personal blog articles remain online and be retrieved from his archive at
Some are Artikler på norsk
(I'm guessing that means Norwegian articles)and those links are in right hand column.
Although not Swedish, try News from Norway.
Something that's confused me about Sweden, actually. What I recall of scandnavian culture in gneeral is that women were, if not exactly equal, then differently superior. When I was married in Sweden we marched up the aisle together. A fairly recent innovation I think, but it's less surprising in a country like Sweden where the idea of a man owning women is anathaema... now the frankish lands are different. Men did own their women, as hey were owned by their landlord, and even today that attitude still prevails in some small way throughout most of southern europe. The very act of a father giving away the bride at a wedding is a highly romanticised version of what really took place in what was more often than not a business deal.
DIgressing, sorry, My point is that Sweden, Norway and the other scandanavian countries, more than anywhere else, are about as culturally opposite Islam as can possibly be. Certainly they're acquisent at the moment but, I think, once they realise what's happening they'll react very powerfully. Sweden perhaps the most powerfully. I offer no evidence of this but my faith that it is so.
Phanarath yes I miss those time as well, it used to get very lively in Copenhagen, between 2 and 6 in the morning when the boats stopped running. Working as a barman in an all night cafe we used to stack them outside in the summer and by the door in the winter. Now even the doormen are attacked and stabbed and it is not even safe to walk down Stroget in day light now. I weep for that beautiful city of Copenhagen and the beautiful people that used to live there. By the way most Swedes Norwegians and Danes can read each others language because the words are very similar only they are pronounced differently and spoken differently. With a little practice most can understand and hold a conversation in there own languages without any problem. The Swedes will have no problem in finding Bloggs in Norwegian or Danish where they can get the truth.
Patrik asked me to remove my comment with the link, so I did. That was dumb -- since I couldn't read it, why put it up? Sorry, Patrik.
I'll preserve here the part of Solipsist's comment that will help any newcomers make sense of what Patrik said:
solipsist said...
OK - I was wrong, it was no fake. It was no joke! It was worse!
And it was certainly no swedish Ben Shapiro (22) who peeped out.
It was just a sensation-seeking, uninformed kid (20 years!) being
very go-ahead - and the Baron had the bad judgement to push him forward.
I find it astaunding that 14 readers who delivered more or less serious comments - and the Baron - without deliberateness swallowed hook, sinker and line in one ~thoughtless~ gulp.
Is it that easy (for 12 sworn citisens, for an exemple) to join in on a death-sentence in the USA?
Sweden seems to be the choosen whipping-boy tonight!
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