Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Inside Story

Dymphna’s kneeThe wily a4g figured it out: that’s not Dymphna’s real photo on her profile!

We are ready to show the world the real Dymphna. Yesterday the orthopedic surgeon took some snazzy photos of Dymphna, from the inside of her knee. So here you are.

Isn’t she the woman of your dreams?


Thomas J Del Pup said...


I may be wrong, but is that a defect in the articular cartilage surface (upper left of photo, looks like a hole)?

Thomas von der Trave said...

Um, does that mean your photograph isn't the real you either, Baron?

I'm shocked.

Papa Ray said...

Dang....I got a stiffy, and I'm an ol' man.

Papa Ray

Dymphna said...

y'all behave!


Bobby Coggins said...

I'm just glad my filter allowed me to see that kind of picture of the Lady. ;-)

God Bless and a speedy recovery, let the Baron wait on your needs.

Bobby Coggins said...

I'm just glad my filter allowed me to see that kind of picture of the Lady. ;-)

God Bless and a speedy recovery, let the Baron wait on your needs.

Horace Jeffery Hodges said...

I've often heard:

"Beauty's only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone."

Dymphna's bones, however, resemble a lovely winter wonderland.

Jeffery Hodges

* * *

citizen_us said...

As a professional skier/snowboarder, I can really relate to your pain!

Have an easy and great rehabilitation, don't be stubborn and do ALL that the docs suggest.

Be well, Miss Dymphna!

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